Sunday, July 31, 2011

Artist Creates Tools Forged with Coins (Coin Art)

Artist Creates Tools Forged with Coins:- 

I am very amazed to see such good creation of a artists who create this kind of tools. I am just speechless to see the creativeness of this artistic mind. I found these pic on a very good website. Name of the artist is Stacey Webber. You can find full information about this art form and about the artist on the this page. 


Funny Race

Funny Race

I found some of these funny pics. Participants in these pics are enjoying their race. I don't know what these pics and race is about, if you have any idea please let me know.

Source for these images:-

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Funny and Creative USB

Funny and Creative USB

I don't know whether these USB's pics are real or not. But these definiately are very creative.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dollar art

Dollar art

Very creative origami created form the dollar. I fell this is very creative and very good looking art.

Source for this blog post is :

For more information please visit Source link.